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Slips or Boats For Rent Or Sale

This page is managed by the board, and at our discretion.  Posts may be removed at our discretion, without notice.  We want to keep these posts updated, so if your slip has rented for the season or sold, it will be removed from the list unless we receive written notice from the owner to re-add.  List below is sorted by slip size, then by slip #.

Restricted slips can only be owned, sold, or rented to owners of Schooner Cove or Palmer's Landing condos.

Unrestricted slips can be owned. sold or rented to anyone.


Boats docked at our marina cannot exceed the size of the slip by more than an additional 1 foot - including full measurements from bow pulpit to engine.   See diagram to the right - we go by Length Overall (incl.), and not the Length of Hull.

All boats docked at the marina must submit proof of insurance liability of at least $300,000 and contact information to the Secretary before it can be docked.  Submit Renter's Information or Submit Owner's Information


If you need to see where each slip is located, visit our Slip Types page for the map.



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