This site is intended for use by SCYA Slip Owners for informational purposes only.
If you reached this site looking for slips to rent or purchase, visit our "Slips for Rent/Sale" page
Schooner Cove Yacht Association Inc. is a non-stock corporation which is the legal entity of the common interest community known as “Schooner Cove Yacht Association Inc.” Privately owned condominium marinas are commonly known as “Dockominiums” and consist of owner and common interest elements typical of condominium ownership. Dock ownership consists of the physical portion of the riparian or marine real estate, which is comprised of 105 boat slips and associated common elements.
The marina is located behind the Stamford Hurricane Gate which has provided protection from extreme weather events.
There are two types of slips available: Restricted vs. Unrestricted. See our page for slip types for more details.
Marina Telephone Number: (203) 406-7464
Use the "Contact Us" Form to email SCYA Secretary.
Announcements & Updates
Construction of the new North East section of H dock is in full swing. It is expected to be completed
around the 3rd week in May
Water is on and will be turned off about mid November 2024
Boat house lock combo is changed yearly in the spring. Dock owners
contact the Secretary for new code. Renters contact the
dock owner or your agent.
Is now available to both boater and residents see your respective owners or managers for the room
code. You may use the meeting room for small gatherings or rent it for parties see Boat Club Rental
Pile inspection report has been posted see About Us
Revision to the RULES dated 08/25/21 have been posted see About Us, SCYA Rules
Owners - Keep your email up-to-date